Friday, 18 October 2013

Feature Artists - Idea

Band or Solo Artist?
I have chosen for my feature article artist to be a band.


Who are they?
I decided to make the entire band female. This is because it is rare and unique and typically many bands in the alternative rock/grunge genre are male, or a mixture of both male and female, they are hardly ever just female. I made up four different members and gave them certain characteristics I would believe for them to have.
  • Scarlet - 24 years old. Plays the guitar and is the lead singer of the band. Is outgoing, quirky, loud, funny and talkative. Doesn't mind being the centre of the attention and being the front-man of the band. She has natural 'star quality' and always pushes herself and the band to be and do the best they possibly can.
  • Elsie - 26 years old. Scarlet's older sister. They both decided to make the band as they both have a passion for music and being the in the entertainment career. Plays the drums, and has done for as long as she remembers. Both Scarlet's and Elsie's parents used to like alternative rock/grunge music such as Nirvana, The Doors who are slightly older, Pearl Jam and The Beatles. They have both been inspired from a young age. Elsie has slightly more reserved traits and is the quieter one out of her and her sister. She doesn't mind not being in the lime light.
  • Lailah - 25 years old. Plays bass in the band. Is a friend with Scarlet and has known her for years through high school. Lailah is a new addition to the band replacing a member who previously quit. Lailah is also quite outgoing and confident, and contributes a lot in interviews etc. Lailah is key in writing the songs and the band has thrived since she has joined.
  • Jenna - 25 years old. Also friends with Lailah and Scarlet from high school. Has always been an original member of the band. Jenna plays the guitar as well as Scarlet. Jenna isn't overly confident but she isn't reserved either.
Why are they doing an interview?
The band is doing an interview because they have released a new album and it is popular in both Europe as well as the US. This is the first step to them becoming more established and known world-wide so it's a big step forward.
The article will be promoting the new album as well as talking to them about inspiration and where they got the ideas for the songs and lyrics from.
Their achievement in gaining popularity will also be mentioned and future plans of the band etc.

Appearance and look of the band?
I wanted to make the appearance of the band to be really unique and quirky. I thought a 90s style grunge fashion would be really suitable for the band. This kind of fashion is coming back in again. For example denim jackets, ripped jeans and tartan/plaid pattern. Colours of their clothes will also lean towards the darker colours such as black, grey, red, brown and dark purple. The style and appearance of a band is significant in making the band recognisable and distinct as well as relating it to the genre of music the band play. It will tie everything together and give the band an edgy, different portrayal compared to many other bands. Their makeup will be dark and edgy; this includes black eyeliner and red/dark lipstick. I don't think hair styles matter as much due to the clothing and make up being prominent in the specific style I want, but their hair won't be formal or neat, it will have that 'rock star' trait to it, for instance curly and volumised.


What locations would you chose to shoot your pictures at?
Many different locations can be used to shoot the kind of grungey/rock pictures that would fit into my magazine. For example on a stair case. This is a really simple, but effective location for a photo-shoot. It can fit the entire band in, and the different levels make the photo interesting. Another example of a good photo-shoot location is against a graffiti wall. This adds a lot of colour and character into a photo, without any effort or editing needed. It will create an almost 'rough' and 'risky' atmosphere that the band is outside on the streets etc. You can really make any kind of background for your images look effective though, whether it's a graffiti wall or a wooden fence, you can experiment with different settings to conceive a different atmosphere in the different photos. 


Planning photograph ideas...

  • Against a fence (wooden/metal)
  • Staircase
  • Trees/Woods
  • Outside on a street when it's getting dark (use of streetlights etc.). 
  •  Against a wall (brick or graffiti)
  • Plain background to really highlight props & poses etc.
Clothing and Makeup:
  • Scarlet - tights with rips, black skirt, military style boots, band top. Makeup will be dark eyes, red lips.
  • Elsie - black jeans, greeny blue flannel/plaid shirt, black converse. Makeup will be fairly natural, no bold lip colour but black eyeliner.
  • Lailah - denim shorts with flannel shirt tied round waist, band shirt and military style boots. Makeup will be similar to Elsie's.
  • Jenna - red skater skirt, black leotard top with a denim jacket. Makeup will be bold, black wing eyeliner and dark purple lipstick 

Props to use (potentially):
  • Chairs
  • Microphone
  • Torch
  • Headphones
Poses/Facial Expressions?
I think the majority of the photos will be 'posey' ones. I think they will be fun, exciting pictures to show that they're having a really good time in the band and are excited for their new album release and their increasing popularity. 

Potential Names:
  • Undead Chaos
  • Reckless Abandon
  • Tattooed Heart
  • Powered Victory
  • Night of the Dead 

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